file under toner es el nombre bajo el cual anki toner edita algunos proyectos en solitario. un nombre tomado, naturalmente, del libro "file under popular" de chris cutler.
dj hazard es otra instancia de file under toner dedicada principalmente a samplear_remezclar material de hazard records.
file under toner incluye en su discografía un album de música veneno y el sampler never underestimate human stupidity
file under toner ha desarrollado un live act a partir del cd this is the end, beautiful friend. este proyecto debutó en noviembre de 2009 en el ciclo de arte sonoro y música experimental de buenos aires.
a finales de 2011 file under toner desarrolla un nuevo proyecto titulado resistance emotional mix, en el que construye una obra sonora a partir de elementos aportados por los asistentes, y que no ha escuchado previamente; para ello se sirve del resistance emotional mixer, un conjunto instrumental ensamblado por Anki Toner para manipular información sonora.
>>> clicka en los discos para bajártelos del Internet Archive
>>> clicka aquí para ver (y bajar) fotos y videos del directo
>>> clicka aquí para leer acerca de la censura de "this is the end, beautiful friend"
>>> clicka aquí para leer más acerca de las resistance emotional mixes
musica veneno: whole lotta love story
hazard records, 2000
(algunos artistas tocaron Love Story -la canción- en una ciclo de conciertos para que Música Veneno los sampleara y luego hiciera con ello el último concierto. File Under Toner fabricó un par de máquinas-de-tocar-love-story, una de las cuales aún existe)
never underestimate human stupidity (sampler)
hazard records, 2003
(un tema oculto en el cd1. el cd2, completo, firmado por dj hazard)
45 rpm
hazard records, 2006
(un CDR en edición "de artista" limitada a 45 copias)
this is the end, beautiful friend
hazard records, 2008
(por fin un cd completo. más de sesenta minutos de ruido de superficie apropiacionista)The first UK pressing of The Beatles' 'Sergeant Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band' has in the run out groove (and I am speaking about vinyl here, in case you think 'oh I never saw a run out groove on my mp3') weird sounds, nonsense and gooblygo. File Under Toner is the solo project of Anki Toner, of whom we reviewed a CD in Vital Weekly 613, where he collects sounds from run out grooves. Not necessarily with music, but it can also be with popping, cracking and hissing sounds. What ties these short tracks together is the fact that they are lifted from well-known records, mainly from the pop (!) area - not that I recognized any Abba or The Doors in there. File Under Toner, named after Chris Cutler's 'File Under Popular' adds some delay, reverb, filtering and pops your uncle. A nice, little conceptual idea surely, but I would think that twenty minutes would be enough, or even, as divided here in portions of twenty minutes, side A and side B would be enough. But side C is well over the top. Nice but a bit too much. But it has extended liner notes, which is very funny. (FdW - VITAL WEEKLY 642,
Creemos muchas cosas que podríamos cuestionar. Por ejemplo, que los discos vienen en un CD; que la música son canciones; que en el silencio no se escucha nada; que adquirir discos cuesta dinero; o que un regalo es valioso porque nos ha costado equis euros. Esta última propuesta desmiente todas estas generalidades. La netlabel Hazard Records -impulsada por el músico Anki Toner (Superelvis, Ankitoner Metamars)- edita álbumes bajo licencia de dominio público, cuya descarga es gratuita. Este que aquí recomendamos es File under toner, this is the end, beautiful friend, para el que se han grabado los sonidos que reproduce un tocadiscos al finalizar el surco de diferentes discos. Y no todos los silencios suenan iguales, los saltos de aguja al final de un vinilo de Jacques Brel tienen una textura diferente a la de un single de sardanas. Un regalo para aprender a leer entre líneas que hará reflexionar al ser querido que más se lo merezca. (Elena Cabrera -
Es un disco político. (Victor Nubla)
este disco ha sido sampleado por Joan Bages i Rubí en el último tema de Deconstrucció Instrumental
dj hazard mixes vol. 1
hazard records, 2009
(una nuevo trabajo de dj hazard)
and now, the end is here
exp_net, 2010
("this is the end, beautiful friend" live, metamix,
con la colaboración de Anton Ignorant)Jesús Lillo (
Anki Toner is the man behind Hazard Records and File Under Toner. In 2008 he released the album "This is The End, Beautiful Friend". He released the album as a limited edition of 60 CDR's and uploaded it to the Internet Archive. The album was made by recorded run-out grooves of 36 records and these recordings are manipulated by analogue and digital effects, like delay, echo and reverb. After two years the compositions were banned from the Internet Archive. For now Anki Toner uploaded it again at "And now, the end is here" (sic) is the sequel to the above mentioned album. He made three copies of the CD and added some extra delays, reverbs and some filtering. He has two shows, one solo and the second one with Anton Ignorant (no, no family of Steve Ignorant of Crass) from Barcelona. I like how these guys are playing with the turntables and effects. The light crushing, cracking, hissing and repeating sounds make me calm and relaxed. There is no emotion in the music, just these everlasting sounds without any pretension. Of course this music is not without pretension, cause it is about copyright, artistic reinterpretation, sounds and lots more. Great CDR!)Jan-Kees Helms, Vital Weekly 769
resistance emotional mixes vol. 1
hazard records, 2012
[..] we have Anki Toner, in disguise as File Under Toner, in which he actually has a nice concept: the audience brings over CDs and without hearing them beforehand, he plays them and mixes them (not even on the pre-fade listening button) together. He pops in CDs and as soon as the mixer indicates there is sound, he mixes them. Very much the sort of thing art curators love, rather than people who actually seek out to hear some great music. Nowadays of course these machines DJs use have all sorts of crazy buttons, creating loops on the spot, slowing down/speeding up, scratch sounds and god knows what else, and it seems Anki uses that too. Lots of the content here is probably illegal, but I didn't recognize anything, so perhaps I am very much out of touch with the real world. I am not entirely convinced why this should be released, but if it's anything like showcase for what File Under Toner does, then it works well. Half an hour of very random loops from all sorts of music. John Cage would have been proud of this.
Frans de Waard, Vital Weekly 862
hazard records, 2014
Edición digital deluxe con bonus track y libreto de 28 páginas en pdf
dj hazard: propia copia revisited
hazard records, 2014
La Hora Ignorantiana
hazard records, 2020
Nubla Puzzle Pieces (2021-)
Victor Nubla coleccionaba piezas de puzzle. Estas piezas forman parte de un puzzle formado por 27 piezas de 57 segundos cada una que nunca será publicado como obra completa. No editar, ecualizar o normalizar las piezas o no se podrá completar el puzzle.
Piezas publicadas:
Puzzle Piece #4
Puzzle Piece #7
Puzzle Piece #10
Puzzle Piece #16
Puzzle Piece #19
Puzzle Piece #21
Puzzle Piece #22
Puzzle Piece #23
La máquina-de-tocar-love-story (anverso y reverso):